Thursday, June 20, 2013

mac & cheesy!

As most of you know, I LOVE mac and cheese. My dear friends, not sure if you understand this OBSESSION! After Joshie was born I ate it morning, noon and night. I wasn't on a hunt for a new recipe for it but came across several pins that said to boil your pasta in milk. That THAT is the secret. And THAT is correct my friends. It is creamy, tasty and quick (ok so not as quick as easy mac but you dont have all the weird stuff you cant pronounce in it either)! Here is the recipe,

16oz pasta (I use elbow but I am sure little shells would work too)
2 cups milk
1 cup water
2 cups cheese

Boil the pasta in the milk and; water. When it starts to boil turn to low, stirring often. You gotta watch it because milk can boil over very quickly (causing more clean up). It boils for about 20 minutes then check it out and see if it is done. Turn off the heat and; add cheese & salt. Serve!

The boys (including Duke) approve this recipe.

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