Thursday, December 27, 2012

Two and through?

I get asked the question often, "are you going to try for a girl?" Or I hear  "you have two little boys, why would you want more? "

Would I like to have a girl, sure, would I like another boy, sure why not? I look at my little boy Joshie and think about how I cant imagine my life without him here. We were surprised to find out that we were pregnant with Jacob (NFP works, we knew what we were getting into). It was scary to know that we were going to have another kid when we were still adjusting to life with one child!  So we welcomed Baby Jacob with open arms and again, we cannot imagine our lives without him. I see Joshie and Jacob playing with each other and think of what JPII said "the greatest gift you can give your child is a sibling".  That is so true. Joshie has a partner, a friend, someone to tell his secrets to, someone to confide in when he feels like he needs a brother to listen to him. It is a beautiful thing to have children. 

I imagine however many children God blesses us with we will feel the same no matter what. When Marc and I create a child God creates a soul. We help God in creating when we have children! God creates a soul in each of us upon conception. How beautiful is that to think about!

So why would we want more? Because that is what we are called to do! We have been called to the married life and in that, bring forth life. Either by conception or adoption. My heart is filled with joy thinking about our children (here now) and the ones in the future (if God wills it).

How can we afford the kids? Who cares. My favorite bible verse is in Proverbs chapter 31. It says "she is clothed in dignity and laughs at the days to come". God has taken care of our family and will continue to do so. I trust in God that He will take care of our future. I can feel it inside of me.

So with the two boys we have now, if that is all we are called to have so be it. If we have more, than God's will always be done and we will welcome them.

Mother Teresa said "how can you say that it is too many children, that is like saying there are too many flowers".  We will cling to that.

Until the next time.... Mom, I am not pregnant. I think.

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